De bloggplattform Ghost har fått mycket uppmärksamhet nyligen på grund av det senaste flyget från beta till offentliggörande (om du på något sätt inte har hört talas om det ännu, huvudet härifrån och läsa upp).

Liksom andra plattformar stöder Ghost tredje parts "teman". I den här artikeln ska vi utforma en enkel, lyhörd och innehållsdriven blogg. Koda sedan det till ett helt funktionellt tema för Ghost.


Standardtemat för Ghost, "Casper", ser väldigt rent ut. De lägger innehåll först och visar typografi med en modern färgpalett, så att fokus ligger på skrivandet.

Vi ska följa den ledningen, så vår designprocess måste börja med att förstå hur Ghost fungerar och vad som är tillgängligt för användaren i back-end. Det finns 4 huvudelement som vi kan dra på från baksidan när du utformar temat (förutom artiklarna / inläggna självklart) som är:

  • Bloggtitel
  • Bloggbeskrivning
  • Blogglogotyp
  • Bloggomslag

Alla kan ställas in på fliken Inställningar i Ghost. Dessa pekar på designen i en uppenbar riktning av någon form av banner högst upp på sidan, som innehåller titeln, logotypen och beskrivningen och en omslagsbild som bakgrund.


Så vi behöver verkligen bara designa 2 sidor, det är hemsidan, som visar alla de senaste inläggen och den enskilda postsidan. Eftersom designen är relativt enkel, visar jag den färdiga sidan först och går sedan över detaljerna igen. Så här är "hem" -sidan som visar de senaste inläggen:


Så som du kan se, färgglada höjdpunkter, tillsammans med grundläggande och ren design. Låt oss springa över detaljerna igen. Så vi har rubriken, som innehåller logotypen (här har jag gjort en liten plaggdräkt för ett spöke), namnet på bloggen och beskrivningen.


Så om användaren väljer ett omslagsfoto lägger vi in ​​det som en fullbredd bakgrundsbild här. Om inte kommer vi att gå för en solid blå färg som kommer att vara vår höjdpunktsfärg som ovan.


Sedan har vi några innehållslådor där vi visar all information om varje post (titel, publicerat datum, författare, taggar) och utdraget.


Slutligen gör vi en enkel paginationslänk och en sidfot. I delningsfältet Artiklar, footer och hela hela webbplatsen använder vi ett anpassat ikonfonnamn gjord på Fontello och teckensnittet Öppna Sans från Googles webbfonter. Vilka vi ska se hur man implementerar senare.


Den enskilda posten

Denna design ligner mycket på hemsidan. Förutom det block där vi bifogade utdraget före kommer nu sträcka sig i fullhöjd och visa allt innehåll. Dessutom lägger vi till en författarlåda längst ner.


Så allt detsamma, förutom några inline text styling som vi kommer att gå över i utvecklingsfasen. Och här är den nya författarboxen:



Okej, så nu har designen blivit överkänd (och självklart anpassa den till dina egna preferenser). Det är dags att börja på utvecklingen. Först och främst, om du inte redan har gjort det, ta en sekund och läs den officiella spöken dokumentation om temabeskrivning. De är mycket tydliga och koncisa om vad som behövs och filstruktur och så vidare. I grund och botten för denna handledning kan vi dela upp utvecklingen i två steg. Innehåll och stil. Som ett grundläggande förhållande mellan HTML och CSS, gör vi temat arbetet, så gör det som vår design.


För att börja måste du ha Ghost installerad lokalt på din maskin. Detta är relativt rakt framåt, och det finns nu även automatiska installatörer (som den här ). När det är installerat och kört, måste du hitta spökmappen som heter "spökversion.number" (vid skrivetiden är det "spök-0.3.2"). När du är placerad, navigera till "innehåll / teman", där du vill skapa en ny mapp med namnet på ditt tema. Så i det här fallet kallar vi det "ark". Inom den mappen ska vi göra 2 filer som är viktiga för ett Ghost-tema. Det är "index.hbs" och "post.hbs", om du har läst Ghost dokumentationen (eller har använt Handlebars på annat håll) kommer du att känna igen filformatet ".hbs" vilket innebär att vi kan använda de så kallade "styrbanden" : {{}} i vår mall.

Därefter lägger vi till en annan fil som heter "default.hbs" och en mappstruktur för våra tillgångar och delfiler. Följ den här filstrukturen:


På 'assets / css / fonts' placerar vi våra ikonfontsfiler för implementeringen av @ font-face. För denna design har jag bara valt 6 ikoner: Facebook, Twitter, Google, RSS, Taggar, Kalender.


Bortsett från det är resten av filerna ganska självförklarande. Nu får vi komma in i koden. Vi tittar först på de två viktiga filerna i temat.

"Index.hbs" & "post.hbs"

När det gäller mönster ger jag hela innehållet i filen först, så slår vi upp de viktiga bitarna. Först av allt "index.hbs" -filen:

{{!< default}}{{> header}}
{{#foreach posts}}


{{utdragssord = "100"}} ... Läs mer

{{#if tags}}
Taggar: {{tags separator = "."}}

Dela med sig:

{{/ foreach}} {{# om pagination}}
{{> footer}}

So to explain what's happening, the very first line is essential to the theme and tell us that this file will be inserted into the content area into the default file. The second line then inserts our header. Instead of putting it into this file we'll create a partial file later in the 'partials' directory. HBS files are just like HTML files in which you can include normal HTML elements. So the next element in the file is a which will hold all of our main content. Then inside of the repeater we'll put our article element that will contain the post. Inside each there will be a with the title and the meta data of the article (author and publish date). After that the actual excerpt. Then a that has our post's tags (in between an 'if' statement) and the share links, with some span's calling in our icon font. Finally we have some pagination, and we eventually call in the which works like the header. So as you can see it's relatively simple code. Obviously any class or ID names are optional for CSS styling. Next up comes the 'post.hbs' file. Which is mostly similar, but with a few additions and modifications. /">← Go Back {{title}} by {{author}} {{date format='DD MMM YYYY'}} {{content}} {{#if tags}} Tags: {{tags separator=" . "}} {{/if}} Share: {{#if author}} About the Author {{#if author.image}} {{/if}} {{}} {{#if}} {{}} {{/if}} {{}} {{/if}}{{/post}} {{> footer}} Once again we have the and handlebars. And our element. But this time the wrapping handlebar is Then we call in the (Not excerpt, because this is the individual page we want to show all of the content in the post.) Another difference here is the 'if' statement which is verifying if there's an author for the post. If there is we'll show a box with the author's image, name, URL and bio. All of these elements are editable in the back-end by the user, and will either show up or not depending on whether they exist. 'default.hbs' and the partial files Now we're going to look at the default.hbs file. So if you haven't made it yet, create a new file. In that file we're going to put all the default things that are needed for our page to display correctly in a browser, mainly the doctype and the , and tags. {{ghost_head}} {{{body}}} {{ghost_foot}}

{{!< default}}

So to explain what's happening, the very first line is essential to the theme and tell us that this file will be inserted into the content area into the default file. The second line then inserts our header. Instead of putting it into this file we'll create a partial file later in the 'partials' directory. HBS files are just like HTML files in which you can include normal HTML elements. So the next element in the file is a which will hold all of our main content. Then inside of the repeater we'll put our article element that will contain the post. Inside each there will be a with the title and the meta data of the article (author and publish date). After that the actual excerpt. Then a that has our post's tags (in between an 'if' statement) and the share links, with some span's calling in our icon font. Finally we have some pagination, and we eventually call in the which works like the header. So as you can see it's relatively simple code. Obviously any class or ID names are optional for CSS styling. Next up comes the 'post.hbs' file. Which is mostly similar, but with a few additions and modifications. /">← Go Back {{title}} by {{author}} {{date format='DD MMM YYYY'}} {{content}} {{#if tags}} Tags: {{tags separator=" . "}} {{/if}} Share: {{#if author}} About the Author {{#if author.image}} {{/if}} {{}} {{#if}} {{}} {{/if}} {{}} {{/if}}{{/post}} {{> footer}} Once again we have the and handlebars. And our element. But this time the wrapping handlebar is Then we call in the (Not excerpt, because this is the individual page we want to show all of the content in the post.) Another difference here is the 'if' statement which is verifying if there's an author for the post. If there is we'll show a box with the author's image, name, URL and bio. All of these elements are editable in the back-end by the user, and will either show up or not depending on whether they exist. 'default.hbs' and the partial files Now we're going to look at the default.hbs file. So if you haven't made it yet, create a new file. In that file we're going to put all the default things that are needed for our page to display correctly in a browser, mainly the doctype and the , and tags. {{ghost_head}} {{{body}}} {{ghost_foot}}

{{> header}}

So to explain what's happening, the very first line is essential to the theme and tell us that this file will be inserted into the content area into the default file. The second line then inserts our header. Instead of putting it into this file we'll create a partial file later in the 'partials' directory. HBS files are just like HTML files in which you can include normal HTML elements. So the next element in the file is a which will hold all of our main content. Then inside of the repeater we'll put our article element that will contain the post. Inside each there will be a with the title and the meta data of the article (author and publish date). After that the actual excerpt. Then a that has our post's tags (in between an 'if' statement) and the share links, with some span's calling in our icon font. Finally we have some pagination, and we eventually call in the which works like the header. So as you can see it's relatively simple code. Obviously any class or ID names are optional for CSS styling. Next up comes the 'post.hbs' file. Which is mostly similar, but with a few additions and modifications. /">← Go Back {{title}} by {{author}} {{date format='DD MMM YYYY'}} {{content}} {{#if tags}} Tags: {{tags separator=" . "}} {{/if}} Share: {{#if author}} About the Author {{#if author.image}} {{/if}} {{}} {{#if}} {{}} {{/if}} {{}} {{/if}}{{/post}} {{> footer}} Once again we have the and handlebars. And our element. But this time the wrapping handlebar is Then we call in the (Not excerpt, because this is the individual page we want to show all of the content in the post.) Another difference here is the 'if' statement which is verifying if there's an author for the post. If there is we'll show a box with the author's image, name, URL and bio. All of these elements are editable in the back-end by the user, and will either show up or not depending on whether they exist. 'default.hbs' and the partial files Now we're going to look at the default.hbs file. So if you haven't made it yet, create a new file. In that file we're going to put all the default things that are needed for our page to display correctly in a browser, mainly the doctype and the , and tags. {{ghost_head}} {{{body}}} {{ghost_foot}}

So to explain what's happening, the very first line is essential to the theme and tell us that this file will be inserted into the content area into the default file. The second line then inserts our header. Instead of putting it into this file we'll create a partial file later in the 'partials' directory. HBS files are just like HTML files in which you can include normal HTML elements. So the next element in the file is a which will hold all of our main content. Then inside of the repeater we'll put our article element that will contain the post. Inside each there will be a with the title and the meta data of the article (author and publish date). After that the actual excerpt. Then a that has our post's tags (in between an 'if' statement) and the share links, with some span's calling in our icon font. Finally we have some pagination, and we eventually call in the which works like the header. So as you can see it's relatively simple code. Obviously any class or ID names are optional for CSS styling. Next up comes the 'post.hbs' file. Which is mostly similar, but with a few additions and modifications. /">← Go Back {{title}} by {{author}} {{date format='DD MMM YYYY'}} {{content}} {{#if tags}} Tags: {{tags separator=" . "}} {{/if}} Share: {{#if author}} About the Author {{#if author.image}} {{/if}} {{}} {{#if}} {{}} {{/if}} {{}} {{/if}}{{/post}} {{> footer}} Once again we have the and handlebars. And our element. But this time the wrapping handlebar is Then we call in the (Not excerpt, because this is the individual page we want to show all of the content in the post.) Another difference here is the 'if' statement which is verifying if there's an author for the post. If there is we'll show a box with the author's image, name, URL and bio. All of these elements are editable in the back-end by the user, and will either show up or not depending on whether they exist. 'default.hbs' and the partial files Now we're going to look at the default.hbs file. So if you haven't made it yet, create a new file. In that file we're going to put all the default things that are needed for our page to display correctly in a browser, mainly the doctype and the , and tags. {{ghost_head}} {{{body}}} {{ghost_foot}}

{{#foreach posts}}

So to explain what's happening, the very first line is essential to the theme and tell us that this file will be inserted into the content area into the default file. The second line then inserts our header. Instead of putting it into this file we'll create a partial file later in the 'partials' directory. HBS files are just like HTML files in which you can include normal HTML elements. So the next element in the file is a which will hold all of our main content. Then inside of the repeater we'll put our article element that will contain the post. Inside each there will be a with the title and the meta data of the article (author and publish date). After that the actual excerpt. Then a that has our post's tags (in between an 'if' statement) and the share links, with some span's calling in our icon font. Finally we have some pagination, and we eventually call in the which works like the header. So as you can see it's relatively simple code. Obviously any class or ID names are optional for CSS styling. Next up comes the 'post.hbs' file. Which is mostly similar, but with a few additions and modifications. /">← Go Back {{title}} by {{author}} {{date format='DD MMM YYYY'}} {{content}} {{#if tags}} Tags: {{tags separator=" . "}} {{/if}} Share: {{#if author}} About the Author {{#if author.image}} {{/if}} {{}} {{#if}} {{}} {{/if}} {{}} {{/if}}{{/post}} {{> footer}} Once again we have the and handlebars. And our element. But this time the wrapping handlebar is Then we call in the (Not excerpt, because this is the individual page we want to show all of the content in the post.) Another difference here is the 'if' statement which is verifying if there's an author for the post. If there is we'll show a box with the author's image, name, URL and bio. All of these elements are editable in the back-end by the user, and will either show up or not depending on whether they exist. 'default.hbs' and the partial files Now we're going to look at the default.hbs file. So if you haven't made it yet, create a new file. In that file we're going to put all the default things that are needed for our page to display correctly in a browser, mainly the doctype and the , and tags. {{ghost_head}} {{{body}}} {{ghost_foot}} So to explain what's happening, the very first line is essential to the theme and tell us that this file will be inserted into the content area into the default file. The second line then inserts our header. Instead of putting it into this file we'll create a partial file later in the 'partials' directory. HBS files are just like HTML files in which you can include normal HTML elements. So the next element in the file is a which will hold all of our main content. Then inside of the repeater we'll put our article element that will contain the post. Inside each there will be a with the title and the meta data of the article (author and publish date). After that the actual excerpt. Then a that has our post's tags (in between an 'if' statement) and the share links, with some span's calling in our icon font. Finally we have some pagination, and we eventually call in the which works like the header. So as you can see it's relatively simple code. Obviously any class or ID names are optional for CSS styling. Next up comes the 'post.hbs' file. Which is mostly similar, but with a few additions and modifications. /">← Go Back {{title}} by {{author}} {{date format='DD MMM YYYY'}} {{content}} {{#if tags}} Tags: {{tags separator=" . "}} {{/if}} Share: {{#if author}} About the Author {{#if author.image}} {{/if}} {{}} {{#if}} {{}} {{/if}} {{}} {{/if}}{{/post}} {{> footer}} Once again we have the and handlebars. And our element. But this time the wrapping handlebar is Then we call in the (Not excerpt, because this is the individual page we want to show all of the content in the post.) Another difference here is the 'if' statement which is verifying if there's an author for the post. If there is we'll show a box with the author's image, name, URL and bio. All of these elements are editable in the back-end by the user, and will either show up or not depending on whether they exist. 'default.hbs' and the partial files Now we're going to look at the default.hbs file. So if you haven't made it yet, create a new file. In that file we're going to put all the default things that are needed for our page to display correctly in a browser, mainly the doctype and the , and tags. {{ghost_head}} {{{body}}} {{ghost_foot}}

So to explain what's happening, the very first line is essential to the theme and tell us that this file will be inserted into the content area into the default file. The second line then inserts our header. Instead of putting it into this file we'll create a partial file later in the 'partials' directory. HBS files are just like HTML files in which you can include normal HTML elements. So the next element in the file is a which will hold all of our main content. Then inside of the repeater we'll put our article element that will contain the post. Inside each there will be a with the title and the meta data of the article (author and publish date). After that the actual excerpt. Then a that has our post's tags (in between an 'if' statement) and the share links, with some span's calling in our icon font. Finally we have some pagination, and we eventually call in the which works like the header. So as you can see it's relatively simple code. Obviously any class or ID names are optional for CSS styling. Next up comes the 'post.hbs' file. Which is mostly similar, but with a few additions and modifications. /">← Go Back {{title}} by {{author}} {{date format='DD MMM YYYY'}} {{content}} {{#if tags}} Tags: {{tags separator=" . "}} {{/if}} Share: {{#if author}} About the Author {{#if author.image}} {{/if}} {{}} {{#if}} {{}} {{/if}} {{}} {{/if}}{{/post}} {{> footer}} Once again we have the and handlebars. And our element. But this time the wrapping handlebar is Then we call in the (Not excerpt, because this is the individual page we want to show all of the content in the post.) Another difference here is the 'if' statement which is verifying if there's an author for the post. If there is we'll show a box with the author's image, name, URL and bio. All of these elements are editable in the back-end by the user, and will either show up or not depending on whether they exist. 'default.hbs' and the partial files Now we're going to look at the default.hbs file. So if you haven't made it yet, create a new file. In that file we're going to put all the default things that are needed for our page to display correctly in a browser, mainly the doctype and the , and tags. {{ghost_head}} {{{body}}} {{ghost_foot}}